* Limited edition OYYO organic energy
Life is energy. The level of vitality and health are directly related to the accumulation of energy in your body. This is the most important question in our time! A person’s well-being, his success in society and financial well-being – striving for the dreams and daily tasks to come true – all of these are directly related to the energy level.

The quality of energy is also crucial in life. If it circulates correctly and there is the energy balance, the human organs are always in perfect order. Complete macronutrients – all we need to be healthy and happy.
A high level of energy is a reserve of strength and appetite for action when you feel truly alive. Everyday enthusiasm and good mood. It’s delight and love! The energy of life is everywhere. A lot of energy, you just need to be able to get it.

OYYO organic energy is a safe and available source of clean life energy for everyone. It nourishes the human body at the cellular level. An invaluable opportunity to defeat stress and accumulated fatigue.

OYYO organic energy drink true magic is the right start of a day! The best opportunity to be always in good physical shape, live and breathe! MORE THAN ALIVE!
Sleep and wake balance normalizing
Body antioxidant protection against oxidative stress
Effective help for your body.
Toxic substances, allergens, free radicals neutralizing
Protection against ionization and electromagnetic radiation effects
Natural body resistance
Improving performance and stress resistance under increased physical and mental stress
Humic substances are products of long-term oxidation and microbiological processing of plant and animal residues transforming into new complex organic dark-colored molecules. Humic substances are an important invariable component for global survival as a necessary structural component of all metabolic processes in the biosphere. They are part of various caustobiolites – coal, peat, soil, marine and lake sediments (sapropel) – and their main components.

The synthesis of humic substances in nature takes hundreds of thousands and even millions of years. To date, there are no synthetic ways to obtain them. In nature, there are also pro-humic substances (or para-humic substances, melanins, melanoids), which are contained in Chaga mushroom and momia.
OYYO. True life
• For anyone who is stressed and would like to restore normal body function.
• For anyone who often suffers from respiratory diseases and would like to increase the body’s natural resistance.
• For anyone who works hard and sleeps little, would like to reduce fatigue and increase efficiency.
• For athletes who would like to multiply their results.
• For travelers who need to quickly adapt to climate and time zones.
• For anyone exposed to harmful working conditions and desiring to reduce the effects of man-made stress and harmful substances (including food) on the body.
• For anyone exposed to long-term exposure to adverse and extreme weather conditions (increased solar radiation, heat or cold).
• To minimize harm from alcohol.
OYYO is indicated:

*OYYO organic energy gift set (box and branded package)



Multifunctional complex product for complete cellular nutrition and protection of the body at the cellular level.

Concentrate for the drink preparation. 30 monodoses of 2 mg.

Nutritional value of 100 ml of product: proteins – 0 g, fats – 0 g, carbohydrates – 0 g.

The energy value of 100 ml of the product is 0 kcal/0 kJ.

Content in 1 ampoule (2 ml): fulvic – 2-4 mg (per monodose), humic acids – 16-18 mg (more than 30% of the adequate level of consumption per day).

Color: dark brown. Tasteless. Inodorous.

Suitable for vegans. Does not contain GMOs and dyes.

Convenient format to use. Premium quality.

Gift bag and packaging: TOTAL RED EDITION

Conformance certificate: POCC RU.32771.04ABC0.OC01

Bonus. Life and health as a gift!


Multifunctional complex product for complete cellular nutrition and protection of the body at the cellular level.

Concentrate for the drink preparation. 30 monodoses of 2 mg.

Nutritional value of 100 ml of product: proteins – 0 g, fats – 0 g, carbohydrates – 0 g.

The energy value of 100 ml of the product is 0 kcal/0 kJ.

Content in 1 ampoule (2 ml): fulvic – 2-4 mg (per monodose), humic acids – 16-18 mg (more than 30% of the adequate level of consumption per day).

Color: dark brown. Tasteless. Inodorous.

Suitable for vegans. Does not contain GMOs and dyes.

Convenient format to use. Premium quality.

Gift bag and packaging: TOTAL RED EDITION

Conformance certificate: POCC RU.32771.04ABC0.OC01

Bonus. Life and health as a gift!

It is tasteless and odorless due to cleaning and processing technology
Contains 11 biogenic elements –Fe, Ca, Mg, K, Mn, Co, Cu, Cr, Zn, Mo, Se constitutional humates
Absence of radionuclides, toxic elements and pesticides
Pharmacological efficacy has been proven in preclinical studies
Modern quality control system – chemical, microbiological and pharmacological safety
A unique deposit in Siberia of the main raw materials with a high concentration of active ingredients
Below are important biological features that determine the pharmacological effects of humic substances:

• hepatoprotective
• cytoprotective
• cardioprotective
• neuroprotective
• nephroprotective
• antitumor
• antidiabetic and others.

Acting inside the cell, they are able to block the oxidative phosphorylation separation processes in mitochondria, normalizing the energy production processes.
Antioxidant effect
They affect cellular and humoral immunity, can positively affect the compliment system, increase the number and functional activity of macrophages, neutrophils and T-killer cells, have an interferonogenic effect and are inducers of tumor necrosis factor, as a result of which they are effective immunomodulators in chronic sluggish infectious and inflammatory processes, autoimmune, allergic and degenerative disorders, as well as oncoprotectors.
Immunomodulatory effect
Humic substances are the latest generation of the up-to-date stress corrector adaptogens, they help to increase the body defenses, reduce the level of stress hormone in the body, increase mental and physical activity, endurance and performance.
They help to restore the body vitality when exposed to extreme heat or cold.
Adaptogenic action
They are able to form chelates, while exhibiting significant antitoxic effects against many undesirable metals, toxicants and xenobiotics. Inactivate heavy metals, toxins of bacteria and viruses, invasions, aflatoxins, mutagens, pesticides and ammonia, mono- and polyaromatic compounds, the effects of radiation exposure.

Along with chelating properties it should be noted: ionic bond formation mechanisms, Van der Waals adsorption, ligand exchange, hydrophilic-hydrophobic interactions, oxidation-reduction process.

When administered orally, they are able to form a barrier layer on the surface of the gastrointestinal mucosa, retain water and prevent its loss through the intestine, protecting the mucous membrane from various aggressive factors.

Humic substances inhibit or delay the action of the herpes simplex virus HSV (types 1 and 2), human respiratory and cytomegalovirus (HCMV, RSV), influenza virus types A and B, inhibit the effect of HIV-1 infection.
Detoxification and antiviral action
They have a profound effect on the colon microbiome health by increasing it, and control the innate gut microbiome, protecting it from the effects of food and bacterial toxins.
Microbiome care
Humic substances are not dangerous, not teratogenic, not embryotoxic, not mutagenic, do not cause allergic reactions, do not have sensitizing and irritating properties, do not exhibit acute and chronic toxicity, cumulation and resorptive action.
Safe Use

* OYYO ORGANIC ENERGY food concentrate. Complex product based on humic and fulvic acids.

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Nikolsky Passage, Moscow, 109012
tel. 8 800 600 87 18

You can write and call us. We are always happy to communicate with our clients!
8 800 600 87 18
4, First Proezd, b. 108, Chernogolovka, Naukograd of the Russian Federation,
Moscow region, 142432